After a dynamic sequence of yoga postures, opening and closing the gateway of the joints, lengthening and strengthening the muscles, flushing, detoxing and inverting the full physical body system savasana provides a sincere opportunity to experience deep peace and pure awareness.
To me, a good yoga practice will lead you to the magic of savasana (shuh-VAHS-ah-nah). In this guide I'm going to explain what Savasana is, what the benefits are and how to create a beautiful space using my favourite props and accessories.
I love this asana as it helps release stress and tension from my body while making me feel wonderfully relaxed and rejuvenated.
About Savasana
Often translated as Corpse pose (sounds morbid I know!) but it is the point where we can experience the feeling of completely letting go of the physical body. This body where we feel and hold all of our life experiences . More often the traumas or the moments of hurt are held in the very tissues of our physical body
After we move through the physical asana of yoga we have the opportunity to crack these stagnations and tensions open so that they can be released by completely letting go into gravity.
It is essentially the the death of the small self that can be caught up in the ego. Letting go of the grip can be the hardest part if life, this is where it becomes a practice.
Benefits of Savasana
Savasana allows us the opportunity to
- Transform, to release of the hold that life has on us.
- Awaken to a higher consciousness
Like many meditative and practices that promote relaxation it can
- Calm the nervous system and helps the digestive and immune systems.
- Relax the mind and reduces stress.
- Reduce fatigue and anxiety.
Here's what our customers are saying
Setting up for the Ultimate Savasana
It is such gift to set ourselves up in such a way that we can completely let go of the physical body. This is where the magic happens 💫

The total package!
We've create Ultimate Savasana bundles! Our Jyoti and Eve bundles have ALL of the items for the ultimate savasana and we have many more bundles with beautiful designs here.

#1 Faux Sheepskin
Tactile softness adds a gentle comfort and will keep you cosy while adding a touch of luxury to your practice space.

#2 Futon
Cushioning below your body allows you to relax and melt into the shape of the futon, which provides even deeper relaxation.
This is the ultimate in comfort for this practice.

#3 Bolster or Pillow
Ground yourself and reduce tension in your lower back using a bolster or yoga pillow is a great solution. By placing this prop under your knees, you can relax the muscles in your back and spine, which can help improve your overall comfort.

#4 Eye Pillow
Stimulating the ‘rest and digest’ part of the nervous system by applying light pressure to the eyes, they’re simple to use and deepen your level of relaxation. Place an eye pillow over your eyes and give yourself the gift of relaxation.

#5 Pillow or rolled up blanket
Perferct for supporting the head and shoulders correctly. Allow a gentle tilt to the chin allowing the heart to fall below the height of the forehead ~ signifying a gentle surrender of the mind to the heart.

#6 Heat Pack
A great way to help reduce physical tension, add warmth to self soothe and weight to ground you in your practice.
Savasana is an opportunity to let go of the physical body and its harbored tensions.
This space provides us with the chance to transform and let go of what no longer serves us. For a few minutes, we can suspend judgment and just be.
Wishing you even more beautiful experiences with your practice

Angela Knight
Calm Buddhi Ma
Yoga, Meditation and Yoga Nidra Teacher