Around this time there is a lot of talk around setting an intention for yourself for the new year, maybe many new intentions!
The reality is that we don't need to wait for this time of year to find our deepest intentions so we can manifest our best life. Goal setting aside it is our sankalpa that can have the strongest pull and guiding light for our path.
Sankalpa is an ancient yogic practice and is used as part of a holistic practice of yoga and meditation. Whilst these are the ancient principles of this practice it can be used by anyone and is so powerful in its own right - particularly when practiced daily.
Setting an intention is a stepping stone to realising your Sankalpa
When we open up and listen to this heart-space we can tap into our true longing known as our sankalpa in Yoga.
What we want for ourselves as we walk this path in this world and life and also what we want to have ripple and radiate out to those around us.
The wise texts that we have read (which has been reaffirmed by our teachers in India) prescribe that we hold the same sankalpa until it is realized through action.

We say it in the first person in the present tense beginning with I am....... It's not about anything superficial rather something that we find within ourselves first then that intention radiates out to others.
It could be something that is kept very simple to begin.
It could be that you long for peace, peace for yourself and then peace for others. In this case, your sankalpa will be "I am peace".
If you feel like you're recovering from bad habits or ill health It could be that you want to feel nourished and healthy. In this case, when thinking about setting an intention it could be " I am nourished in every part of my being".
But it’s completely up to you what kind of sankalpa you want to do!
As we say these words as they are true we plant our seed of intention. We nurture and repeat each day and action starts to fall into place in our lives. Where the mind goes energy flows.
It may sound simple but it can make an enormous difference in how you feel about yourself throughout the day if you reinforce these statements as truths for yourself during your practice.
Setting an intention is a need for positive change.
Manifesting your sankalpa is a triumph of your heart's highest desire.
All I ask is that when practicing setting an intention with Sankalpa, be mindful about how it can benefit you both physically and mentally so that each time becomes an empowering experience instead of just another routine task.
You deserve peace, happiness, and contentment.

Anglea Knight
Calm Buddhi Ma
Yoga, Meditation and Yoga Nidra Teacher