Experiences - Personal Sadhana
Investment: $390 (3 hours over 3 days)
Connection call: Your investment of $390 includes a complimentary 30-minute connection call, scheduled after payment. This call allows me to understand your needs and formulate a personalised sadhana practice tailored to where you are in your journey right now.
Sadhana, meaning "personal practice" in Sanskrit, is a powerful, initiated journey designed to awaken your inner potential, break negative patterns, and transcend obstacles to growth. This personalised practice draws from Kriya, breathwork (pranayama), meditation, and yoga nidra, creating a holistic experience that nurtures healing and transformation.
Whether you are a yoga teacher, a devoted practitioner, or a student ready to evolve, establishing and maintaining a daily practice is key to transitioning from simply "doing" yoga to truly living it. This practice allows yoga to permeate every corner of your life, moving effortlessly from the Meditation cushion/Yoga Mat into your daily interactions, thoughts, and actions.
What’s included:
The initiation process includes 3 x 1-hour personalised sessions, plus a free 30-minute consultation to understand the needs of your personal evolution. Over the course of 40 days, you’ll commit to a 20-40 minute daily practice, with my ongoing support. Afterward, you’ll have lifelong access to a tool for continued personal evolution.
A personal practice could allow you to:
- Tap into your inner power
- Break negative patterns and addictions
- Calm and strengthen you nervous system
- Stabilise emotions and enhance mental clarity
- Cleansing and detoxifying
- Awakening intuition and creativity
- Access Transcendence and higher awareness
- Explore Anti-anxiety techniques
- Awakening joy
- Self-heal
- Increase intuition
- Wind down for sleep
…… and more
This is an invitation to step fully into your personal power and take a quantum leap in your life’s experience. Through consistent practice, you will move into deeper states of being, awakening your highest potential and tapping into the deep well of vitality and wisdom that lies within.