Hi It’s Ange from Calm Buddhi.
We are inspired by tradition make yoga and meditation props with artisans in india and we love to educate on all things that have inspired us and helped us to create a wonderful home meditation and yoga practice.
Today i wanted to share with you a few tips on getting started with your bronze sound bowl and so there's three tips i want to give to you today
One is how you hold your wand and that is to hold it like a pencil almost like a pencil grip then it's holding the bowl at the height of the heart so when we invite the bell to sing we're opening up the sounds and the ripples from the sound at the height of the heart so we can invite that inner space of awareness to awaken and then it is how we invite our bowl to sing it's gently playing at the top of the bowl by gently tapping and then we apply a little bit of pressure with the wand inviting the bowl to thing and then gently feeling and sensing that sound move up through the hands the tools of the heart.
That is our quick tip for today let me know how you go and if you have any questions
I'll see you soon bye!
I am 4‘11“. 68 years old and have hips that are tight which of the Meditation cushions do you recommend that I buy and why?