Buddhi Journal

Our guide to the ultimate Savasana

Our guide to the ultimate Savasana

To me, a good yoga practice will lead you to the magic of savasana (shuh-VAHS-ah-nah). In this guide I'm going to explain what Savasana is, what the benefits are and how to create a beautiful space using my favourite props and accessories.

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Sankalpa : setting an intention for your highest self

Sankalpa : setting an intention for your highest self

Around this time there is a lot of talk around setting an intention for yourself for the new year, maybe many new intentions! The reality is that we don't need to wait for this time of year to find our deepest intentions so we can manifest our best life. Goal setting aside it is our sankalpa that can have the strongest pull and guiding light for our path.

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our yoga bolster guide is to help you buy the best bolster for your practice

How to choose the Best Yoga Bolster for your practice

Being comfortable while practicing yoga is essential and if you’re running into tension points, the right bolster can transform your practice.  Part of getting used to a yoga practice is learning to observe how you feel physically and energetically in a particular posture and to start asking yourself “what do I need to change to be more comfortable in this shape”.

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