Buddhi Journal — Kriya & Pranayama

Take a breather with us - Box Breathing

Take a breather with us - Box Breathing

Boost your well-being this season with Box Breathing: an easy, effective practice to reduce stress, improve sleep, and refocus your mind.

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Take a breather with us  - Nadi Shodhana

Take a breather with us - Nadi Shodhana

Nadi Shodhona (alternate nostril breathing) is the mother of all breaths and a must for all yogis seeking balance in their lives. Explore and practice in the latest Journal

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Spring Cleanse - Integrative Yoga Practice with Angela

Spring Cleanse - Integrative Yoga Practice with Angela

Join Angela for a guided yoga practice to revitalise and rejuvenate your body and mind this Spring season, using traditional kriyas, pranayama (yogic breathwork), cleansing yoga asana and meditation.

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Calming Practices for Kids

Calming Practices for Kids

Brahmari (Humming bee breath) A calming practice the whole family can try.

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